Classify and organize content
You get the tools you need to classify and organize (predefine) all the content that is important for your company. These will serve as a base when creating new content.
Manage and author content
High quality content requires perfect support for those who are responsible for their part of the content. Open CSP provides the building blocks to realize this.
Advanced search
State of the art Search capabilities
Open CSP is an excellent base to use for a complete enterprise platform. It can be a complete confluence replacement!

MediaWiki is a great platform with extraordinary features and characteristics.
With Open CSP we are creating a software bundle that turns the MediaWiki platform into a powerful Enterprise ready workspace.
Open CSP provides out-of-the-box features that give you a flying start. On top of that there is a growing number of Open CSP compatible modules. Its flexibility and productivity for custom solutions enable you to create a platform that seamlessly supports your knowledge and operational processes.