




Trigger a FlexForm action.


Trigger a FlexForm action. Currently only the email trigger is available.


trigger - What function needs to be triggered within FlexForm. This parameter is required.

data - Extra data needed for the Trigger function. Depends on the trigger action. Please read the manual for more information.

title - Title needed for the Trigger function. Depends on the trigger action. Please read the manual for more information.

token - A "csrf" token retrieved from action=query&meta=tokens. This parameter is required.

Trigger email

With this trigger you can send an email, based on the email-template.

The email trigger also needs a title of a page. That page needs to be setup as a full email template. Read the docs "email" on how to setup such a template.


Make a call using the csrf token to the MediaWiki API

  To = api.php
  action = FlexFormBot
  trigger = email
  title = Email template page
  token = <your csrf token>

Return format

The API result will be in a JSON format. When an error occurs, you will have an error field present where you can read its message.

Example of an error

    "FlexFormBot": {
        "error": {
            "message": "The page you specified doesn't exist."

Example of success

    "FlexFormBot": {
        "result": {


You need to add the csrf token with every request to FlexFormBot
